Saturday, August 18, 2012

Our Journey Begins

While sitting in the office of Dr. Kasey Rutledge, she tenderly explained things to us. Camryn was severely to profoundly deaf. He is unable to hear ANYTHING we say. He is only able to hear things like firecrackers and jack hammers. He will need hearing aids. He will be delayed with basic speech and listening skills. He will need a LOT of support from audiologist and speech therapist and the most terrifying thing for us to hear was... he will need Surgery at the age of 1.
Emotions ran very high in the office. We listened and ask a lot of questions. We cried and cried some more. We felt the immediate need to keep that baby in our arms at all times. If he couldn't hear us... he at least would FEEL our presence.
When we left the doctors office... more questions came to mind but by then it was too late to ask them so we went home and researched things on the internet. As I was reading the things on the internet, I was realizing that I SHOULD HAVE KNOWN Camryn was deaf! When a dog barked or something was dropped, Camryn never stirred. When you was talking to him he was looking around instead of looking and listening to your voice.
My daughter experienced the guilt that is commonly associated with learning your child has a disability. It was a rough time for our family. Every one felt the need to keep Camryn in their arms at all times and never let him wonder if he was a lone or not.

The Surgery....

As Dr. Rutledge was explaining things to us... she explained that surgery could help Camryn to hear. She told us the surgery was called Cochlear Implants and it would help to restore Camryn's hearing at almost normal.

Hearing that was amazing but ALSO we had a vision of what the IMPLANTS would look like. We envisioned something implanted UNDER the skin and inside the inner ear that couldn't be seen. So it would be something that Camryn wouldn't have to advertise he was wearing.

When we got online and looked up Cochlear Implants and saw what it looked like to have someone wearing one... we were SHOCKED! It brought immediate tears to Ashleys eyes and I was fighting not to let her see my tears. I HAD to be strong for my daughter.